Choosing Between a Roth 403B and a Traditional 403B
Should you choose a Roth 403B or go the traditional route? It might be a question you’ve asked yourself without knowing where to begin looking for the answer, so I will help you do just that with this post. The Roth 403B and the Traditional 403B With a Roth account, you give up an advantage
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As a parent, one of the best things you can do for your children is prepare for the expense of their college education as early as possible. It’s no secret that college costs have gone up over the past few years, just as there is no reason to believe they will be going down. With
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Active Managers and Their Advantage with New Bond Issuance
Have you heard about new bonds coming to market? Probably not, but it’s something I feel you should know about. Typically, the financial news covers topics like new Initial Public Offerings of stocks (IPOs) like the ones from Snapchat, Alibaba, and Visa. New bonds coming to market, however, are often left ignored. The good news
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Is Indexing a Tragedy of Commons?
Have you ever heard the expression ‘The Tragedy of Commons’? It’s an economic term that means an action benefits the entity committing it, but the costs of that action are diffused, or spread out to everyone. An example of this would be a manufacturer whose actions end up polluting the air or water. The phrase
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Doing What You Love May Earn You More Money
I always ask every client if they love what they do, and about half say yes while the other half say no. From what I’ve read in other places, only about 30% of people actually like their jobs while everyone else either hates their job or just tolerates it. Now, to be fair, not everyone
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Opening a 529 College Savings Plan
Among the many different types of savings plans designed to fund a college education, I’m of the opinion that 529 plans should really be considered. These plans take the best of other types of savings vehicles but avoid some of the many drawbacks. Of the various advantages, the main one is that the in-account earnings
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Paying for a Wedding
Understanding the value of a dollar is a valuable skill. When you look at the world around you, you want to break everything down into cost effectiveness. From food to clothing to services, everything has value and realizing that value can help justify or avoid making a purchase. There are some big purchases, like college
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Are You Rethinking Your Retirement?
I recently read an article about prospective retirees who were rethinking their plans for retiring because of feeling uncertain or anxious about the future. I think it’s a valid concern and one I hear often from people. But what can you do about it? That’s what we’ll explore in this post, so keep reading to
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Consolidating Your Financial Relationships
How many financial advisers do you work with or how many accounts do you have with different institutions? If you’re like many Americans, you probably work with more than one, but that could be a number that’s changing. I recently read about a trend that sees many people consolidating the number of investment advisers they
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Predicting the Market
If you go all the way back to the time just before the 2008 financial crisis, finding predictions by countless experts about where the market was heading was easy. Many of those predictions were bullish, with the experts saying the Dow would go as high as 16,000. Some predicted the market would be flat in
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